Thursday, August 22, 2019

After Double Jaw Surgery Self Care Tips

After Double Jaw Surgery Self Care Tips

Deciding to get double jaw surgery is a big decision in your life. The first day after the surgery is especially quite tough, but by learning some tips on aftercare, it can definitely make your recovery easier. Here are some tips you should know for after double jaw surgery. 
after double jaw surgery

First day After Double Jaw Surgery

During the first day after the surgery, you will be hospitalized for one night and the nurses will be taking care of you and monitoring you throughout as directed by the surgeon. Make sure to take the medications prescribed to you along with hydrating yourself throughout.


First week

To reduce swelling elevate your head in the level above your heart at all times. For the first three days make sure you religiously ice pack the area of swelling. After the three days, you will then switch to a warm pack. Walking is also encouraged for deswelling, however, do not be over active on your first week after surgery.
On your first week, make sure you are on a strict liquid diet. This can include consuming smoothies, protein shakes or juices. Even though you can’t consume soft/solid food, make sure to always keep yourself hydrated. Avoid carbonated drinks as it can lead to nausea and sugar concentrated drinks that lead to dehydration.
Make sure to keep your wound area clean, this will include using mouth wash 2-3 times a day and brushing your tooth with a soft baby sized toothbrush 2-3 times a day.  

Second Week

By the end of your second week your swelling will have gone down significantly. However, numbness in your lower lip and chin might still be present. On your follow up treatment, you will be instructed to practice changing your rubber bands daily. Your new set of rubber bands should give you more range of motion to open your mouth. Diet wise, continue to take liquid diet, but by the second week you may start adding soft food to your diet such as scrambled eggs, soft pasta, oatmeal etc.


Third & Fourth week

By the end of the one month period, you should be able to open your mouth as wide as you could before. Continue your soft food diet throughout the third and fourth week as well, but you can start exercising lightly such as going bike riding, treadmill or light aerobics. By your sixth week you will remove your splints and you can resume back to your daily diet but don't forget to take it slowly. 

If you are interested in getting double jaw surgery, take advantage of our free online consultation to find out more information on it.

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