Showing posts with label alar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alar. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2015

Rhinoplasty FAQ ! Nose surgery questions answered ! Everything to know!

Rhinoplasty FAQ

 What are the different types of rhinoplasty?
 There are many different types of rhinoplasty procedures. Tip plasty, alar reduction, bridge augmentation, and so on. Some of the more common rhinoplasty procedures include flat nose, short nose, long nose, hump nose correction, deviated septum, and much more.

  • Flat noseA typical Asian will generally have a small nose with a weak, undefined nose bridge. This can be corrected by inserting a silicone implant along the nose bridge in order to add not only height, but definition. The result will be a tall, beautiful, balanced nose line.
  • Short nose / upturn Short nose surgery is one of the most complex cases since we need to add something that isn’t there. Using the septal cartilage, which is a strong, durable cartilage within one’s nose, is most commonly used during rhinoplasty in order to add length to the nose. This can not only add balance to the face, but add a more elegant, sophisticated appeal.

    If the patient doesn't have enough septal cartilage, then we may need to either use some from the ear, or use donated cartilage.
  • Hump nose Through osteotomy, the bump nose will be removed and softened. For a male patient, the nose line will be straight and strong for a more masculine image, while a female patient will have a slight softer curve line for a more feminine image.
  • Long nose Through tip plasty, the nose tip will be slightly lifted in order to balance the nose properly. An arrow nose can project a witch-like appeal, so lifting it enough so that it is elevated with the proportion of the nose will impact the overall face greatly
  • Crooked/deviated septum
    A crooked nose, also known as a deviated septum, is an incredibly complex and requires skilled hands to perform this surgery. If the bone of the bridge is crooked, then osteotomy will be performed in order to straighten the structure as much as possible. However, if the cartilage structure is crooked, then the nasal septum will be realigned, but since the cartilage generally has memory resistance, skilled hands are required otherwise it will avert back to its original form.
  • Big tip
    A big, bulbous tip can be caused by a number of reasons. The best way to correct this is to remove all unnecessary fatty tissues while simultaneously tightening the cartilage grafts within the nose tip. By doing so, the tip will greatly slim down for a more sharpened, balanced finishing edge.

 Do I need to take an X-Ray?

 At most hospitals, X-Rays aren't usually taken for rhinoplasty. But, at ID Hospital we take X-Ray CT scans for each patient and use this for each consultation in order to ensure each individual patient's utmost safest, surest, and most promising surgery possible.

 Will the implant be noticeable?

  At ID Hospital, since we customize each implant for our patients, there is no worry for fake, artificial-looking noses. What most people don't know is that its not the implant that makes the nose look face, but more the doctor's skill.

ID Hospital rhinoplasty specialists have been working in their field for over 20 years, so we can guarantee you the best result.

 Silicone or goretex?

  They're similar very natural and safe. Most doctors and patients prefer silicone, however, since it is easier to remove if a revision case is needed. Goretex is soft and becomes molded to the nose so it is extremely difficult to remove.

At ID Hospital, we specially customize each implant used in order to achieve the most natural, beautiful result.

 My nose becomes so wide whenever I laugh or smile!

  This can be caused by one of two reasons: the first, your nose tip is bulbous, so when you smile, it looks more round and wide or the second, your alars (nostril wings) are big, so when you smile, it looks more wide.

After a consultation with the doctor will decide whether the problem is because of a bulbous tip or because of wide alars.

 Is it true that the bump can grow back?

 When osteotomy (bone surgery) is performed, the area where bone was fractured may have the tendency to regenerate a portion of it back. This is part of the healing process and is known as callus formation. This callus formation occurs naturally to help seal together parts of the bone that were fractures so that it heals well. The callus may be a bit rigid to the touch but most will eventually go away once the bone has healed well. If the fracture was done by skilled hands, the bone will properly heal without the need of callus formation.

A hump nose surgery is actually a much more complex surgery than a nose with a low bridge. This is because the bone doesn't naturally grow straight.

At ID Hospital, we specialize in bone reduction surgery, so we can ensure the best result possible for hump removal.

 Will I need to use cartilage from my ear?

 Not in all cases. We will use the septal cartilage located inside of your nose. It is a very hard, thick, and durable cartilage that can be used to hold the tip of your nose so that it is stable.

However, most Asian noses tend to be deficient in this cartilage so we may need to extract cartilage from your ear to up it in the tip instead. Keep in mind that the cartilage in the ear, however, is much weaker in comparison to the septal cartilage. In the case that both cartilages are deficient, then we will need to use a donor cartilage.

 I have a pig's nose!
 For short, stubby noses, we will need to take grafts from either your ear, rib, septal, or donated cartilage to extend your nose tip so that it is a big longer.

 I like my bridge but my tip is so big! How can I slim down just the tip?

 Yes, it's called tip plasty. We can work on the tip only and not touch the bridge if the doctor finds that only the tip needs to be done.

Keep in mind, however, that in some cases if only the tip is done, then the bridge may appear wider or thicker. Or in the case of it the bridge is done only, then the tip can look bigger than it really is.

The doctor will examine your nose as a whole and compare it to your other facial features in order to ensure that everything falls into perfect balance and harmony.

 How long do I need to stay in Korea?

 We recommend that our patients stay about 7-8 days following the surgery date. On the third day post-op, the patient will visit for a check-up and disinfection treatment, then on the seventh day, the patient will meet with the doctor a final time to remove the cast and stitches.

 How much pain will I feel after surgery?

 Surprisingly, rhinoplasty is not as painful as you think! Like every surgery, rhinoplasty is a bit different for everyone, and depending on which surgery in particular was underwent, the patient may experience light, mild pain, but nothing standard pain killers can’t resolve. Generally the pain can be easily controlled with light Tylenol or non-narcotic pain medicine.

One of the biggest issues is congestion after rhinoplasty due to the internal swelling in your nose. You may experience some congestion in the first few weeks following the surgery, until it gradually subsides. This is usually at its worst in the first few days after surgery and then starts to get better.

 When will I be public-eye ready?

 Generally the patient will have the most obvious bruising and swelling within the first five days following the surgery. Most of the bruising should be gone by the 7th or 8th day and you should be public eye ready by the 9th or 10th day. 

By the tenth day, there will still be swelling, but most people will not notice it, only you, yourself, will notice it.

By one month, about 70% of the swelling will be gone and little by little it will gradually decrease as time goes by. By the sixth month, you may expect to see what is close to the final result, but swelling can continue to remain even until the year mark.

 So, how long is the recovery period after rhinoplasty in Korea?

 Generally, for the first 2-3 days, the swelling will be at its peak. After about 10 days, you will be public-eye ready free from bruising and most of the swelling. After about three weeks, you will see improvement along your nose line. The nose splint and stitches will be removed on the 7th day following the surgery.

 Won’t there be any issues with my nose if I reach high altitude by flying?

 After we remove the stitches and the splint, we will do one final examination to make sure everything is perfect. If there are no issues after that, you are free to go as you please.

 After rhinoplasty in Korea, are there any possible complications or side effects that can occur?

 Like every surgery or procedure, there is always a chance of complications and/or side effects. That’s why it is critical that you go to a doctor who specializes in their field. Some side effects can include infection, post-operative nose bleed, numbness, swelling, possible collapse of the nose, external scaring, deformity, or holes inside the septal area of the nose. Again, this is why it is critical that you go to a hospital that is credible and a doctor who specializes in their surgery.

 After osteotomy (bone cutting) how long does it take for the bone to fully heal?

 After osteotomy has been performed, approximately 3-4 weeks is needed in order to return to radical exercise and sports.

 After nose surgery, will there be any nasal problems such as rhinitis?

 Following rhinoplasty, it is common to have many temporary issues such as a runny or stuffed nose, thus, appearing like rhinitis. Even though it may seem like so, after a thorough examination, that is never the case. Problematic issues such as a septal deviation, however, can be, in most cases, corrected through rhinoplasty.

 What types of anesthesia will be used during the surgery?

 Both local anesthesia with IV sedation and general anesthesia can be used. Majority of the times, local will be used, however, in some cases if the patient has either a severely receded chin, or other problematic issues, then general anesthesia will be used.
If they are semi-conscious while under local anesthesia, it could put them into a dangerous state due to blood leaking down their esophagus.

  I need to undergo revision surgery, but I'm scared of unnatural results.

 If the patient wishes to undergo revision surgery, we recommend waiting at least a minimum of 6 months. With each surgery that is performed, more and more soft tissue becomes damaged in the region. If the soft tissues become too damaged with the number of surgeries, then the area may either become inoperable or look stiff. It is critical that the patient chooses the doctor right the first time to reduce the risk of revision surgery.

If the patient must undergo revision, then a revision specialist must be contacted instead since revision cases are far more complex and intricate. Unlike other hospitals, we have doctors who are experts in revision surgery each specialized in their own field. We will give you the best look that is natural and well-balanced with the harmony of your face.

Real people, real results

ID hospital korea review
ID hospital korea review
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
ID hospital korea review

Tel (English Hotline): +82-2-3496-9783 / +82-2-3496-9787 /+82-2-3496-9785
ID Mobile : +82-10-3187-5905

Contact us!
Skype / Kakao ID: idhospitalkorea
Whatsapp: +821031875905

 New AddressID Hospital, 142, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(OLD address: ID Hospital, 5-6, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
- Walk straight for 200 meters from exit 1 of Sinsa Station (line 3). We’re located next to Young Dong Hotel.

ID hospital korea review
ID hospital korea review

Eye surgery/Nose Surgery/ Fat Injection Surgery / eye job, nose job, dermal fat graft surgery / botox
breast augmentation, breast surgery, breast enlargement, breast job, boob job

Korea cosmetic surgery / korea cosmetic plastic surgery / korea cosmetic plastic surgery before and after
korean cosmetic surgery / korea celebrity plastic surgery korea cosmetic surgery before and after (eye)
eye surgery / eye job / double eyelid surgery / eye revision surgery / secondary eyelid surgery
ptosis correction / non incision eyelid surgery / lower eyelid surgery / eyelid surgery / lateral canthoplasty
levator surgery / eyelid contouring surgery / lower blepharoplasty / upper blepharoplasty
epicanthoplasty / incision eyelid surgery
nose surgery / nose job / rhinoplasty / nose bridge / alar reduction / bridge augmentation / augmentation rhinoplasty / nasal tip / deviated nose / hump nose / short nose / long nose
cheek augmentation / facial contouring / laser liposuction / flat forehead / fat injection

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

FAQ Eyelid Surgery! Everything you need to know! Beautiful, bright eyes!

Eyelid Surgery FAQ

Q. What's the difference between incision and non-incision eyelid surgery?

A.  For incision eyelid surgery, we have created a technique we call the skinny incision technique for more precision and less scaring! Old style incision method creates harsh lines and overall results in scaring that lasts forever. With the skinny incision, you don't need to worry about big, noticeable scars. This method is most suitable for thick eyelids with a lot of fat or loose skin.

<Skinny Incision Eyelid Surgery>
For non-incision Eye lid surgery, we have an advanced method called the seven-lock non-incision method. The doctor will do micro incision to hold the crease together at seven points, giving you a beautiful, natural crease without any scaring or unnatural look. The old, traditional method was three, but here at ID we do seven micro-locks for not only a more natural, softer look, but for stronger durability so that it will never unravel like the old, traditional method. This method is suitable for thin eyelids with little or no fat, already existing crease, etc.

After a consultation with our doctor, the doctor will examine your eyes and decide which procedure is best suited for your eyes.

Q. My eyelids are uneven! 

A. Generally for uneven eyelids, this can be corrected by non-incision eyelid surgery. However, in some cases, incision surgery may be needed if there is an excessive amount of fat and/or skin. 

In some cases however, asymmetry may be caused from weak muscles that cannot open up the eye to its fullest potential. The levator muscles in our eyes will then need to be corrected so that they are strong enough to evenly open the eye (see next question for more information).

Q.  My eyes look heavy, so people always tell me I look sleepy.

A. If you have ptosis (droopy or sleepy eyes), you need to have ptosis correction surgery. People who have ptosis have weak levator muscles (eye opening muscle), so they open their eyes with their muscles on their brow and forehead. Ptosis will make people have more wrinkles on their brow or forehead as they age. Ptosis correction surgery not only corrects the eye muscles, but it also makes double eyelid, too.

Q. My eyes look so far apart!

A. Medial epicanthoplasty is a procedure performed to cut the inner corners of the eyes (medial canthus). This will give the eyes a much more softer, bright-eyed appeal.

Q. My eyes make me look aggressive and mean! 

A. Lateral hotz cuts and pulls downward along the outer corners of the eyes, so it is a popular procedure for those who have slanted eyes. People who have slanted eyes may look more fierce, so by undergoing lateral hotz, their impression will become much more soft and cute.

Q. How long is the recovery period after surgery?

A. It depends on a surgical method and patients’ skin type, but normally patients will have some swelling or bruising for the first few days after surgery. These will disappear slowly over time. Simple eye makeup is possible from one week after and it takes about 4 weeks for the full recovery and until the swelling disappears.

Q. I’m going to have an incision eyelid surgery, but afraid of unnatural result.

A. The reason of unnaturally thick-looking eyelid is, because the surgeon could not successfully remove the muscle and fat that make the eyelid look puffy. Our ‘Skinny incision double eyelid surgery’ creates very slim and natural double eyelids, while removing unnecessary muscle and fat.

Q. Is non-incision method easily unraveled?

A. There has been many unraveling cases since originally only three or four stitches were made to create the double eyelid crease. However, ID hospital has now introduced the ‘Seven lock non-incision method’. With this method, double eyelids will not disappear since we make seven stitches to create the double eyelids. The double eyelid crease is more firm, making the crease clear from beginning to end.

Q. I have eyebags!

A. Under our eyes, fat bags sags down making deep folds (tear trough deformity). By having fat bag removal and fat re-positioning under your eyes, this feature will be greatly improved. You can just have fat bag removal under your eyes only, but if you have fat bag removal only, your face will look very flat. A flat face makes an individual look old. Such as fat grafting, by re-positioning fat under your eyes, you can achieve young and cheerful look.

Q. How long do I need to stay in Korea?

A. For most cases, 7-8 days following the surgery date is sufficient. There will be about 2 follow-ups after you are discharged and you may almost immediately return to normal daily life.

Q. After surgery, my eyelids are red and painful. Is there something wrong?

A. Those are very normal and often occur during the recovery period.
Normally patients will have those feelings from a week post surgery and will become better slowly within few weeks.

Q. My eyelid skin is droopy since I’ve been using glue and tapes to create temporary double eyelid. Can I go for a non-incision method?

A. Creating temporary double eyelids using glue and tape may result in worsened skin elasticity. In this case, a non-incision method is not recommended and an incision method has to be performed to remove sagging skin. The most suitable method has to be chosen carefully depending on a level of skin droopiness.

Q. When can I undergo revision surgery?

A. If the first surgery was not satisfactory and revision surgery is being considered, then the patient needs to wait at least 6 months until the damaged soft tissues have recovered enough to be reworked on again. With each surgery that follows the first, soft tissues will become more damaged compared to the first surgery, thus a well-experienced and skillful surgeon is required in order to avoid a second or third surgery.

Q. When will I be public-eye ready?

A. At about ten days. Most of the bruising will be gone within a week and most of the major swelling will have settled down by the ten day mark. You will still have noticeable swelling, but you can camouflage it with make-up. After about a month, 70% of the swelling will be gone.

Q. I need to undergo revision surgery, but I'm scared of unnatural results.

A. If the patient wishes to undergo revision surgery, we recommend waiting at least a minimum of 6 months. With each surgery that is performed, more and more soft tissue becomes damaged in the region. If the soft tissues become too damaged with the number of surgeries, then the area may either become inoperable or look stiff. It is critical that the patient chooses the doctor right the first time to reduce the risk of revision surgery.

If the patient must undergo revision, then a revision specialist must be contacted instead since revision cases are far more complex and intricate. Unlike other hospitals, we have doctors who are experts in revision surgery each specialized in their own field. We will give you the best look that is natural and well-balanced with the harmony of your face.

Real people, real results

ID hospital korea review
ID hospital korea review
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
ID hospital korea review

Tel (English Hotline): +82-2-3496-9783 / +82-2-3496-9787 /+82-2-3496-9785
ID Mobile : +82-10-3187-5905

Contact us!
Skype / Kakao ID: idhospitalkorea
Whatsapp: +821031875905

 New AddressID Hospital, 142, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(OLD address: ID Hospital, 5-6, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
- Walk straight for 200 meters from exit 1 of Sinsa Station (line 3). We’re located next to Young Dong Hotel.

ID hospital korea review
ID hospital korea review

Eye surgery/Nose Surgery/ Fat Injection Surgery / eye job, nose job, dermal fat graft surgery / botox
breast augmentation, breast surgery, breast enlargement, breast job, boob job

Korea cosmetic surgery / korea cosmetic plastic surgery / korea cosmetic plastic surgery before and after
korean cosmetic surgery / korea celebrity plastic surgery korea cosmetic surgery before and after (eye)
eye surgery / eye job / double eyelid surgery / eye revision surgery / secondary eyelid surgery
ptosis correction / non incision eyelid surgery / lower eyelid surgery / eyelid surgery / lateral canthoplasty
levator surgery / eyelid contouring surgery / lower blepharoplasty / upper blepharoplasty
epicanthoplasty / incision eyelid surgery
nose surgery / nose job / rhinoplasty / nose bridge / alar reduction / bridge augmentation / augmentation rhinoplasty / nasal tip / deviated nose / hump nose / short nose / long nose
cheek augmentation / facial contouring / laser liposuction / flat forehead / fat injection