Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Different Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures


There are various rhinoplasty procedures that people tend to get confused about what constitutes a rhinoplasty. 

Since every individual has a different nose, desired surgery results will also vary. Being able to add procedures relevant to your particular nose will give you a proportionate nose that fits with your facial features.

The basic Asian rhinoplasty performed by ID hospital consists of two procedures, silicone implant insertion and tipplasty.  

Before consultation, an X-ray is performed for the surgeon to be able to see the structure of the patient’s nose .

Then the surgeon will examines the patient to recommend the correct procedures based on the individual’s nose shape. 

Here is a brief explanation of all the procedures that can come under the fold of rhinoplasty; these surgeries can be done together to shape the nose.  

Tipplasty: Tipplasty is a procedure to lift or make the nose tip thinner. Nasal septal cartilage and ear cartilage is used to shape the nose tip. This is one of the most common rhinoplasty procedures. 

Silicone implant insertion: To correct a low nasal bridge, a silicone implant is used to increase the height of the nasal bridge. This projection with the implant creates a more prominent nasal bridge.  


Osteotomy: If the nasal bridge is wide, then the surgeon can fracture the nasal bones (osteotomy) then bring them closer together, creating a narrow nasal bridge. 

Septoplasty: Septoplasty is used to correct a deviated septum/crooked nose. 

Hump reduction: A protruded nasal dorsum requires a hump reduction to reduce the bone or cartilage to make the dorsal hump flat, creating a flat nose bridge. 

Columelloplasty: If the columella (bottom part of the nose) is drooping low, then surgery can be used to re-shape it and lift it upwards.  


Alarplasty: The nostril width is narrowed by removing part of the nostrils, and sewing the incision areas together. This will also reduce the overall size of the nose.   

For more surgery related information, do not hesitate to contact us for an online consultation. 


  1. Thank you for the information. I will be reviewing it soon and will let you know if we have any follow-up questions. عملية تجميل الانف دبي Thank you for sending this info. I learned alot from it.

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