Thursday, March 19, 2020

Career during coronavirus pandemic: tips how to act

Career during coronavirus pandemic: tips how to act
Since the Coronavirus pandemic has gone internationally it affected almost each and every aspect of our private and social life. Quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing and other consequences of the Covid-19 have an impact on a lot of aspects of our daily routine, including working and career. Here are several tips of how to work efficiently and develop you career during coronavirus pandemic, when it’s hard to socialize and discover opportunities offline.
career during coronavirus
Stay active online
As coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world it’s getting almost impossible to gather and connect with other people naturally due to the safety measures. Luckily, we all have access to online communities where you can interact daily through e-mails, social media or apps. Be active in discussions, offer solutions and help to someone in need, share resources and news. You will see that your online life during quarantine can bring you a lot of benefits in the future.

Stay connected to your network
Use the possibility to develop your business connections during the pandemic. Keep in touch with your customers and colleagues remotely, update them on recent news connected to your work field, provide help and assistance if it’s under your jurisdiction. The more you act and stay connected, the stronger relationship you can build. You contribution and encouragement now can bring you a lot of benefits later.

career during coronavirus
Reach your network from the past
Even though your current network is important, don’t forget to reach individuals that you haven’t kept in touch with. With the growth of social channels you can easily find and send a message to your former colleague or classmate. Don’t underestimate the importance of these connections because it’s the easiest way to expand your social circle and find new opportunities.

Support each other as a community
Whether you can help or in a need of help yourself, don’t hesitate to talk about it. In a time of world pandemic we can contribute and help each other as a community. The problems can be solved much faster within a network and it can also help to deeper the trust from both sides.
carreer and coronavirus
Stand out to your employer
In the crisis it’s very important to reach a collaboration and connection between colleagues, departments, suppliers and customers. It’s the best time for you to show your problem solver’s skill to your boss. Negotiate and build new relationship actively in order to promote yourself and develop your career in the future.

It’s ok, if there is no response
Coronavirus epidemic has changed people’s life, and you need to consider it when reaching your acquaintances. Even though for some people the quarantine might sound only like an extra vacation, some people are having a hard time taking care of their family, working extra hours or handling other problems caused by the virus. Take it in consideration and move on to someone else.
Try to follow these tips so you can benefit from the quarantine and develop your career during coronavirus pandemic.

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