Breast augmentation Q&A
We have collected some FAQ after breast augmentation in Korea. Here are 7 breast augmentation Q&A related to recovery.
Q: I don’t like the size of my breast after the surgery. It is too small / too big. What should I do?
A: You have to wait until full recovery to see the final shape of your breast after augmentation. It might look too small because the skin hasn’t adjusted to the size of implant yet, or it might look too big because of the swelling. Patience is the key.
Q: Will I get the post op care and what is it like?
A: In ID Hospital you will get 3 sessions of a high frequency deswelling care and 2 laser sessions for scar treatment for free.
Q: When can I take a shower after breast augmentation surgery?
A: In general you can take a shower after the stitches on the incision area are removed (usually 7 days post op).
Patients who have an incision underneath the breast can take shower 3 days after the surgery. However, the recommendation might differ depending on the individual condition and surgery method.
Q: Do I have to wear a compression garment after breast augmentation?
A: Yes, wearing a compression garment is very important, because it helps to reduce swelling and bruising and settle the right position for the implant. It should be worn 24/7 for a month, then at night for 3 months. Even though you might feel uncomfortable compression garment is necessary for the hassle-free recovery.
Q: How should I sleep after breast augmentation?
A: Do not sleep sideways or facing downwards, sleep on your back and keep your head level above your heart level. After 3 months you can sleep on your side, however it is recommended to sleep on your back up to 6 months post op.
Q: How long is the recovery period?
A: It differs per person. In general, you can expect full recovery within 3-6 months.
Q: What kind of sports can I do after breast augmentation?
A: Avoid running, jumping or lifting heavy objects and any other activities that may strain your upper body muscles until full recovery. The best option is taking leisurely walks first, then you can increase the intensity to a brisk walk.
You can also read more details about recovery process for breast augmentation surgery.
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