Monday, September 9, 2019

Forehead Reduction Surgery (Scalp advancement)

What is forehead reduction surgery?

Forehead reduction surgery, also commonly known as hairline lowering or scalp advancement, is a procedure that involves lowering the hairline for individuals who have a naturally higher hairline and/or larger forehead. The goal for this procedure is to reduce the amount of distance between the hairline and the eyebrows. Forehead reduction is popular among all genders but especially female and transgender patients. Typically men have a larger and a more prominent forehead than women, as a female’s hairline is lower down the forehead and typically a rounder shape. This is why the procedure is popular among women and transgender patients that seek a more feminine look.

Before and after forehead reduction surgery at ID hospital

How is the procedure performed?

Your surgeon will first draw an outline of your new hairline. Then a wave line incision will be made to avoid dark scars. Straight line scars are more apparent than wavy, irregular patterned scars. Once the incision is made, the section of the hair-bearing scalp will be pulled forward to the new hairline.
Forehead reduction design

What is the recovery period for forehead reduction surgery?

Post-surgery, you will experience swelling around your whole face and scalp, however, the major swellings will go down within the first week after surgery. Stitches will be removed 2 weeks after forehead reduction surgery and patients from abroad can safely fly back home after. After surgery, you will experience numbness at the front of the scalp and the sensation will slowly return 3 to 12 months post-surgery. Scar will remain red and elevated throughout the first 2 to 6 months after surgery, and will take 12 to 18 months for the scar to fully heal. A visible scar may still exist, but usually it is mild for anyone to really notice after the first year.

Advantages of Forehead Reduction Surgery at ID hospital

Customized hairline design that suits your face shape best

Customized hairline design for forehead reduction in ID Hospital

Precautions after forehead reduction surgery

1. Avoid irritating the surgical area or putting pressure to your face.
2. For the first 3 days apply ice pack, it helps reduce the swelling. From the 4th day, switch to a warm pack. Your eyes will swell up more than your forehead so apply the packs around your eyes.
3. Be careful so that the forehead bandages doesn’t come off.
4. Rather than lying down, it is better to sit or take light walks to help decrease the swelling. Refrain from sleeping face down or sideways as this may cause deformation.
5. Be aware that will be temporary loss of sensations on your scalp.
6. After forehead bandage removal, light hair wash is possible even with the stitches on.
7. Don’t rub your eyes excessively for the first 4 weeks.
8. You may eat/drink water 3 hours after surgery but avoid spicy, greasy, salty food as it delays the recovery.

forehead reduction surgery before and after
Korean broadcaster before and after forehead reduction surgery at ID hospital

forehead reduction in korea before after
Xiomary, from Puerto Rico, visited ID hospital for forehead reduction surgery

At ID Hospital, we offer free online consultations for all our patients. Find out your quote today by clicking the pink link below. 

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