Friday, June 21, 2019

ID Hospital review: Xiomary interview (PART 2)

Xiomary from Puerto Rico came to get plastic surgery in Korea. Here is her second interview about her experience at ID hospital, surgeries she has got and her opinion on results 3 months after surgeries.
ID Hospital: What surgeries did you have?
Xiomary: I had v-line, forehead reduction, full face fat grafting, v3 thread lift and under eye fat repositioning.
ID Hospital: Why did you decide to have these surgeries?
Xiomary: Ever since I was little, I was very insecure about my jaw. Every time I move my face I could see that the features I had were too strong for my image. My forehead was also quite large so I really wanted to improve the feature to be more confident in myself.
ID Hospital: Now that it’s been 3 months post-surgery, are you satisfied with your results so far?
Xiomary: I’m very satisfied. I feel like I still look like myself but a way better version!
ID Hospital: How was the healing process?
Xiomary: The healing process for me was quite fast. After the surgery I couldn’t really feel anything (pain), the only thing that bothered me was how my eyes were so dry right after the surgery, but it makes sense because during surgery they had to keep them open for quite some time. But after two days, they were fine again.
ID Hospital: Did you have any difficulties during your healing process?
Xiomary: Not really. The only difficulty was the fact that I was on a liquid diet for the first two days because I love eating haha
ID Hospital: Was it hard to get back on your feet after the surgery?
Xiomary: No not really, I was able to walk around and use the washroom freely. I recommend you to walk around a lot to get the blood circulation going as it helps with de-swelling.
ID Hospital: Do you think getting the surgeries was a good decision for you?
Xiomary: I think it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I am more confident than ever. I’m very happy with the results.

Check out Xiomary interview PART 1

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