Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Best Acne Treatments in Korea

Get rid of Acne and Acne scar at ID Dermatology in Korea.
ID Dermatology treats patients up to their skin problem.
With our customized treatment, prevent Acne and Acne scar.

PDT (Photo Dynamic Therapy) for resistant acne and scar
PDT is the quickest and most effective way to control acne and clear the skin. It does not require dangerous oral medication or long term dosing of antibiotics that requires strict compliance and can create antibiotic resistance and other complications.

It is skin regeneration procedure using the immune action of the skin by penetrating a micro needle (spicule) into the skin. It enables the micro needle penetrated into the dermis to stay at the skin for 72 hours, irritating the fibroblast in the dermis and to facilitate the metabolism of the skin, forming new cells quickly to granulate, making the skin healthy and beautiful again.

O2 therapy
O2 therapy allows oxygen, vitamin C, GA and AHA to deeply penetrate into the dermal layer in order to stimulate skin cell regeneration  and whitening.
It is painless procedure with no down time.  
Skin scaling
Skin scaling effectively diminishes pitted acne scars or enlarged pores using specially formulated chemical to trigger skin renewal. Chemicals infiltrates into dermis and stimulates fibroblasts to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, which thicken scarred dermis and regenerates pitted tissues.

 Auto MTS
- Auto MTS is much more safe and effective piercing into skin
- Motorized Micro Needle Therapy
· Skin tightening, lifting, rejuvenation
· Cure Acne scar & wound healing
· Improve wrinkles and Fine lines
· Minimize pores size
· Improve stretch mark
· Treating alopecia

Acne treatment
Acne treatment depends on whether you have a mild, moderate, or severe type of acne. Sometimes ID dermatologist will combine treatments to get the best results and to avoid developing drug-resistant bacteria

Real people, real results





ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.


(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)





Tel (English Hotline): +82-2-3496-9783 / +82-2-3496-9785 / +82-2-3496-9787



Kakao ID: idhospitalkorea

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Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

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