Thursday, June 13, 2013

Small Chin Correction

1. What is small chin?

Let’s take a look at a condition known as ‘Small chin’.
When the chin is set far back and the lower part of the face does not appear to look defined due to its short length, we call it a small chin or a bird chin.

The edge of chin is not sufficient that makes unclear boundary between neck and face. Chine line from both sides look suddenly cut and the face contour looks not natural. The mouth looks protruding if the chin is small which makes the face looks rustic or weak. Lastly, the edge of chin is point of the face. Weak chin makes the face looks dull without an identifying mark.

2. Is my chin too small?

3. Surgical Procedures

The procedure is decided based on the condition of the patient��s face and jaw bone. There are two types of surgery to correct small chins.
1) Osteotomy
The chin bone is cut horizontally and the portion that is set back is pulled forward and fixed.

Because the bone is shifted, the shape of the chin looks natural and the neckline looks more defined. It also reduces tension in the tip of the chin. General anesthesia is done.

2) Implant insertion
Gore-tex, silicone, medpore or other types of fillers are inserted into the tip of the chin, thereby enhancing the size or adjusting the positioning of the chin. Local anesthesia is used when the small chin is not severe.

4. Where should I get the surgery?
1. An accurate diagnosis must be done.
Not many cosmetic clinics are specialized in facial bone surgery. In order to get the best results, an accurate diagnosis is important. The surgeons should not examine the patient��s condition with naked eye but a systematic examination including X-rays and computer analysis (TFASS��) must be carried out. Dr. Park Sang-Hoon is an internationally recognized specialist in facial bone surgery. He has published his extensive work through papers, journals, lectures, and books.
2. All forms of surgical procedures related to small chin must be possible.
Implant insertion is the simplest method but osteotomy may be needed in some cases. Instead of going to any cosmetic clinic for convenience, it is best to consult a specialist who is capable of performing all types of treatment or surgical procedures related to small chin conditions.
3. The specialist must be able to treat other symptoms or conditions that accompany the main problem.
As explained previously, small chin is often accompanied by other complications including mouth protrusion or abnormal shape of the chin. Therefore, the patient must get the best results by consulting with a specialist who is skilled at surgical procedures on mouth protrusion, mandibular prognathism and other facial bone surgeries.
4. The patient must directly experience the results.
The surgeon must share as many successful cases with the patients so that they can actually see the results before making their decision. By doing so, patients do not regret about their surgery. Please do not make your decision based on the name or size of the hospital, but rather the actual skills of the surgeon you can trust.

5. Types of short chin

1) The tip of the chin is small in size
If the small chin does not exceed 3mm, simply inserting a implantor fat is possible.

2) If the small chin does exceed 3mm
When the patient chooses to insert a filler, the implant may sink so osteotomy method is recommended.

3) The small chin is severe and the patient experiences microgenia to a degree that makes the jaw line not noticeable.
Genioplasty in this case will make the chin look very unnatural so the entire lower jaw needs to be pulled forward and the jaw line must look more defined through two-jaw surgery.

4) Small chin and mouth protrusion are combined.
The lower jaw is pulled forward while the protruding mouth needs to be pushed back. The three-jaw surgery is recommended.

for more details, please visit ID's webpage!

ID Plastic Surgery Hospital Korea
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