Friday, June 21, 2013

[no-tie two-jaw surgery korea] Isn’t it dangerous if there’s no-tie between jaws?

What is the ‘No-tie’ Two-jaw Surgery?

It is a procedure that does not require intermaxillary fixation(IMF) after surgery. Usually the conventional two-jaw surgery required tying the upper and lower teeth together for 2-6 weeks, which is also known as the ‘intermaxillary fixation’. However, the ‘no-tie’ two-jaw surgery eliminates intermaxillary fixation and applies a ‘torque-free’ rigid internal fixation method to let the bones heal and agglutinate quickly.

Advantages of ‘No-tie’ Two-jaw Surgery

More comfort

  • Easy breathing: Intermaxillary fixation causes swelling inside of the nose and difficulty in breathing due to blocking the mouth. The absence of intermaxillary fixation eliminates this pain and allows the patient to breathe comfortably.

  • Enjoy your meals: The patient must eat soft food for a certain period after surgery. In the past, the patient had difficulty chewing food with their teeth tied but the new surgical procedure allows the patient to enjoy their meals without any discomfort in chewing with the mouth open.

  • Easy speaking: Intermaxillary fixation caused difficulty in speaking, but the new procedure allows the patient to speak freely without any pain or discomfort.

best korea plastic surgery hospital, facial bone surgery center, id hospital
she had epicanthoplasty, rhinoplasty, no-tie two-jaw(double jaw) surgery and v-line at id plastic surger hospital korea. korea plastic surgery before and after

best korea plastic surgery hospital, facial bone surgery center, id hospital
she had epicanthoplasty, rhinoplasty, no-tie two-jaw(double jaw) surgery and v-line at id plastic surger hospital korea.

best korea plastic surgery hospital, facial bone surgery center, id hospital
she had epicanthoplasty, rhinoplasty, two-jaw(double jaw) surgery and v-line at id plastic surger hospital korea.  korea plastic surgery before and after

korean plastic surgery after picture at id plastic surgery hospital korea

Q1. Isn’t it dangerous if there’s no-tie between jaws? 
A. It’s not dangerous at all even without the tie between jaws after the surgery. The no-tie and general two-jaw surgeries basically have the same surgery process so that they are both safe. Instead no-tie two-jaw surgery makes you breath comfortably that it reduces the risk of respiratory failure and much safer. Moreover, we look at jaw joint and alignment of teeth after the surgery to finally determine whether or not to tie between jaws. Therefore, the patients have more choices. ID Hospital considers safety of customers and operates only the safest surgery. 


Q2. Is the surgery result the same even without the tie between jaws?
A. We plan and manage customers not to have recurrence or deformation after the surgery. Therefore, the result after surgery is the same. We recommend to take no-tie two-jaw only if there will be the same surgery result. Thus, functional result or aesthetic result of face is the same in terms of jaw joint or teeth. We added ID’s only super-precision core technology on top of existing surgery method, so you will be much more satisfied with the result.

Q3. Is no-tie two-jaw surgery operated only at ID Hospital? 
A. As we know of, there’s no other hospital that applies our core technology. Of course it is possible to operate two-jaw surgery without the tie procedure. However, the problem is that if they have safe skills and measures to operate without the tie procedure. Do they have successful clinical experiences? These are important matters.

Q4. I’m worried if my teeth are not aligned after the surgery.
A. We use Torque-free Rigid Internal Fastenation which was first introduced by ID Hospital and super-precision jaw joint registration system to predict teeth movement accurately and fasten them. Hence, there’s no misalignment after the surgery. You don’t have to worry because ID Hospital has abundant clinical experiences. 


Q5. Is no-tie two-jaw surgery available for all cases? 
A. A surgery should be considered with customer’s recovery process and safety. Thus, not everyone can take this surgery. About 80-90% customers can take this surgery based on our clinical experiences so far. We can determine if you can take no-tie two-jaw surgery through diagnosis, so please visit our hospital and take tests. 


                   Gu-Hee's experiences, facial bone surgery, mandible prognathism
                   No-Tie Two-Jaw surgery at id plastic surgery hospital korea in 2011

ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.

(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

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